Giving Back
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Launched in June 2021, Your British Store is an online venture which has been both exciting and daunting to set up in equal measures! There have been times where I’ve really had to remind myself of when and why the idea came about and push on! In May 2017, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer. It was a huge shock to first hear the diagnosis, then be hit with an overwhelming fear of the unknown! However, the cancer was caught and treated early….I was one of the lucky ones but some are not so lucky and I never get complacent. For this reason, I want to give back. If it wasn’t for the ground-breaking research and treatments which exist today, things would have been very different and myself and my family owe a huge debt of gratitude to Cancer Research UK, ultimately for giving me life and letting me have the opportunity to set up Your British Store! Thank you.

Cancer Research UK is a cancer research and awareness charity in the UK. It is the world’s largest independent cancer research charity and is almost entirely funded by the public. Around 40% of its research expenditure goes on basic laboratory research into the molecular basis of cancer and the remainder supports research into over 100 specific cancer types focusing on drug discovery and development; prevention, early detection and imaging; surgery and radiotherapy; and cancers where survival rates are still low.
Thank you for your support!